Our Mission

At Bismarck P/H, we aim to keep with one unwavering mission. Our methods might change, but our commitment to our mission never will.  Our mission guides every step we take. 

"We strive to be a church community where you will feel welcome and invite others, will create a relationship with Christ, and commit to grow in your faith."

Prairie Heights to Journey Fellowship

Thank you all for participating in the vote to make the transition from Prairie Heights to Journey Fellowship with Pastor Karl as our lead pastor. With your favorable vote, the leadership team along with Steve Hoffman and Pastor Karl will begin the process of this transition.

Many of you have asked us questions and we agreed, a FAQ document might be well served, so everyone has the same answer. As you read through the questions, and you have an additional question, please reach out to one of us. We will do our best to answer you.


Question: Are we Journey Fellowship or are we still Prairie Heights?

Answer: We will remain Prairie Heights until all the steps are completed. Your yes vote allows the District, P/H and Journey Fellowship to begin the process of this merger. This will take some time. As an example, filings with the Secretary of State’s office, bank documents, etc.

Question: When do we expect to have all the processes completed?

Answer: We plan to have all the details wrapped up and completed by the end of August 2024.

Question: What items are required to complete this merger?

Answer: Here’s an unofficial list of tasks that must be completed. Finances/Bank accounts, social media and website name changes/updates, outdoor building signage, Secretary of State paperwork, goals and vision updates, review of the lease agreement, official merger launch celebration planning,

Question: When will we officially launch the name change/merger?

Answer: Sunday, September 8, 2024. We initially stated September 1st would be the official date and after some research, Monday September 2 is Labor Day. You get it. Some of you love to travel on long weekends.

Question: Will we keep an advisory board here in Bismarck or merge the advisory board with Journey Fellowship in Fargo?

Answer: We don’t have a final answer to that question. Matt, Dustin, Tammy and Jake all believe we will keep some sort of leadership local for a couple of reasons; some decisions only affect our building and our people, and more importantly, we like to gather once a month for lunch, pray, and discuss how blessed we are to have you as our church family. It’s a fact.

Question: What changes can we expect with this merger?

Answer: Our prayers have been answered and Karl has agreed to be the pastor. Likely changes include, but may not be limited to: consistency with a pastor who loves this church family; strength in the praise and worship team, growth; consistent messages tied to Sunday school messages; more structure and organization.

If you have more questions or comments..

Call: +701-400-9482

Email: bismarckprairieheights1@gmail.com

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